Sign in. Technically, we have opened the church
building as of today, July 1. Per NY
State regulations, we must ask each employee and “volunteer workers” to sign in
each time they enter the building to work and complete a self-assessment
asserting that they are not displaying COVID-19 symptoms, nor have been in
contact with anyone who is. Those coming
to worship on Sunday mornings (and not “work”) do not need to sign in.
Masks and Social
Distancing. We are asking
everyone to wear a mask when moving about the building. You are encouraged to bring your own and we
will have some available if your forget.
Once seated in the sanctuary for worship, socially distanced from
others, you are welcome to remove your mask.
We have roped off every other pew to ensure a 6 foot space between
seated pews. Use your good judgment to maintain
proper social distance from others when seated.
Most tables and chairs have been removed from hallways making them as
wide as possible. Fellowship time after
the worship service will be in the large fellowship hall to allow for
Hygiene. Good hand hygiene continues to be the most
effective way to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. A new hot water heater has been installed and
hot water is available in the rest rooms.
It is advised that you wash your hands upon entering the building. There are also many hand sanitizer stations
around the church or you may bring your own.
Touchless paper towel dispensers have been installed in the rest rooms
and touchless soap dispensers and sanitizer dispensers are on order.
We are asking everyone to refrain from traditional forms of
greeting (handshakes, hugs) at this time.
Volunteer teams have made sure that all surfaces have been
sanitized and will continue to do so each week.
During the time the church was vacant, carpets in the large fellowship
hall, front foyer and sanctuary hallway were professionally cleaned.
Sunday Morning
Changes. Our worship service will
remain essentially unchanged.
Participation- We will continue to have congregational responsive
readings and singing as an integral part of our worship. There have been some concerns raised about
singing and the spread of the virus. As
opinions vary widely, you are encouraged to do your own research. If you are uncomfortable in the sanctuary,
there is also seating in the back hallway.
Communion will be
observed, typically on the second Sunday of the month. Rather than passing the bread and juice
through the pews, you will be encouraged to come forward, receive bread (served
by an elder using tongs) and take a filled cup of juice. There will also be prepackaged juice and
wafer packages available. If you are not
planning on attending in the sanctuary, we will deliver some prepackages
communion cups to your house the week before communion.
Commonly used items
such as pew Bibles, hymnals, printed bulletins, and collection plates will not
be used. Instead, you are encouraged to
bring your own Bible (a good practice, indeed!). Pastor Bill will send out the bulletin in
.pdf format before Sunday and you can print your own and bring it along. Hymns lyrics will be projected and a
collection box has been mounted near the front door of church where you can
place your tithes and offerings.
Worshiping from home. We will be streaming our worship service
this week using Facebook Live instead of Zoom.
If you are an experienced Facebook user and can navigate to the Immanuel
Church page, then you will find the live session there each Sunday at
10:30am. Otherwise, you can use this
This link can be used each week.
Fellowship Time. While we understand that many may want to
leave quickly after the service, we will offer the opportunity for you to
fellowship in the large fellowship hall (gym.)
Tables and chairs have been placed there 6 feet apart and coffee and tea
will be served by volunteers wearing gloves and masks. Individually wrapped snack items as well as individual
water and juice containers will be available.
Social distancing and mask wearing (where it makes sense) will again be
encouraged. If it’s a nice day you may
want to move outside. Consider packing a
lawn chair!
from home. Because the Facebook Live stream does not
have any interactivity, we will begin a Zoom session each Sunday after the
service ends using the same meeting ID and password. We will set up a computer and monitor in the
large fellowship hall so you can interact as we currently do on Zoom. We’ll test this for a few weeks and make changes as needed.